In our busy, modern world, the concept of rest can seem like a luxury. We are constantly on the go – studying, working, running errands, tending to family needs. The cycles of work and busyness can leave us depleted, physically, emotionally and spiritually. This is why the practice of rest is so vital, especially from a biblical perspective.

The Bible instructs us to observe a Sabbath rest one day per week (Exodus 20:8-11). This special day was set apart by God as a time to cease from labour and refocus our hearts and minds on Him. While Old Testament law is no longer binding for Christians, the principle of taking regular rest is wise and benefits us today still. Slowing down allows our bodies to renew strength. It provides space to refresh our emotional reserves through restorative activities. Most importantly, Sabbath rest reminds us that our identity and worth are not tethered to our productivity, but rooted in Christ.

School holidays serve a similar purpose for learners and teachers alike. These extended breaks provide relief from the daily grind of homework, tests, lesson planning and classroom management. With this respite, everyone can recharge and return to the learning environment reinvigorated. Holidays allow families to spend unhurried time together and focus on their relationships. Learners can engage in activities they enjoy without the pressures of deadlines. Teachers can prepare for the next term while setting work aside for a span.

Modelling Sabbath rest is vital for nurturing children’s spiritual development. When we embrace rest rather than recoiling from it, we teach that our human limitations are by design, not deficiency. We were created as finite beings who need to replenish our energy stores regularly. More critically, observing rest points us to the Creator who not only modelled it but also invites us to find our rest in Him (Matthew 11:28-30). Resting teaches we can entrust our work, studies, and lives into His capable hands.

Establishing habits of rest helps shape a biblical worldview in learners. It reinforces that God’s plans are not thwarted by our need for rest and renewal. Rather, He designed rhythms of work and rest as part of the created order. When learners see teachers embracing Sabbath principles, it gives them permission to stop striving and simply abide in God’s presence. Resting is not indulgent laziness, but holy obedience. As families celebrate holidays according to this paradigm, they realign their priorities to match Christ’s. Quality time with Him and one another takes precedence over striving for worldly gain.

In recapturing Sabbath rest in our era of chronic fatigue, we find more than just physical reprieve. We discover spiritual renewal and realignment with the One who promises His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30). When we trade our restless strivings for humble rest in Christ, we open ourselves to receive His peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7). This transcendent rest equips us to prioritise being over doing, and to find our ultimate rest in God alone. It is what our souls desperately need to flourish amidst life’s frenetic pace.