The Way Christian School celebrated its Silver Jubilee in 2023. It’s hard to believe it’s been 26 years since the school’s humble beginnings, with just a handful of students way back in 1998. Our goal has remained consistent throughout this period – to provide opportunities for our learners to develop strength of character, to realise their fullest potential academically and become leaders in society. Our learners’ achievements, academically, culturally and athletically, as well as excellent matric results over the years, bear testament to the hard work, dedication, and commitment of the school’s administrators, teachers, staff, and the learners themselves. We honour God’s faithfulness and celebrate The Way’s rich heritage and legacy while looking forward to an even brighter future.
For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver. – Psalm 66:10 NIV
Our Latest Faith Project
We are in the process of building a multipurpose sports turf which will offer numerous benefits to The Way.
Keep an eye out on our social media channels and website to follow this exciting project’s progress.
NPO Reg. No. 53-015

Biblical Values
High Standard Of Education
Our Campus
Small Classes
Thorough Formative Monitoring
Strong Traditions
Culture of continuous improvement
"Where every child matters and every moment counts!"
Christ-centred, play-based learning in a safe, farm atmosphere. Full-day and half-day options. #Discoverland play area, designed to enhance physical, cognitive and sensory development. Excellent school readiness programme.
CAPS Curriculum. Small classes, which encourage experiential learning, creativity, social, emotional and cognitive development. An inspired art department. Robotics & the Little Lab Coats Natural Science Programme.
100% Matric pass rate. Awards in Maths Lit, Science and EMS. CAPS Curriculum from a biblical perspective. Extra-murals incl. sport & cultural activities. Strong traditions. Exclusive “Summit Leadership Programme” in FET phase.